Mao hard at work


Designer At Large
Apr 28, 2006
Here are some pictures of Mao doing what all of my staff members do best, sleeping!
He did get tired of me taking pictures, but Mao did not leave his basket. I'm going to have to find a place to put the bed basket after we remove the entertainment center...maybe the fridge. Seems cats like high up places.




I hope you enjoy looking at them!
They are great for drawing in visitors. I should make some limited edition bags or artwork using my staff's images. Oh, wait, all of my work is limited edition...I only make one. But, the cats and rabbits would definately add something special to the piece.
I just got some solution that enables me to print images on fabric using my printer. I'll play with that and perfect the technique then go from there.
Have a great day,
I don't think I've been without a cat, ever! We always had them when I was growing up (no begging Dad or Mum for a kitty). There was a brief period of catlessness when I first got married, then I sneaked a tiny kitten into a "no pets" apartment in the dead of night. Yes, I am guilty of breaking the no pets rule and the must pay extra rent or deposit rule. I own my own house now and don't have to worry about it.:yes:
I just cannot imagine my life without cats. When Beaver died, not only was I in a state of berevement, but also shock. He had been with me for almost 20 years...that's a long time!