My maine coon cat is kinda a wierdo, if you all haven't caught that already.
he's PARTICULARLY needy. that's okay tho. my roommate doesn't think so when he starts suckling and whining to him when i'm not home tho. i spend ALL of my free time with my cat so he's NOT attention deprived by any means.
He's not 100% maine coon but im 99% sure he's over 75%. his father is 100% huge black maine coon with a lion nose that he (YAY) passed on to my kitty. his mother is a calico maine coon mix.
i'd like to know all that anyone can tell me about raising a maine coon. i had one when i was a kid but he was an outdoor cat and a hunter at that. he could entertain himself more so then my cat who lives inside. my cat also has his claws, which i do NOT want to remove (even though he's destroying furniture!) and he's not neutered yet... which i know i HAVE to do, but i really don't want to.
my cat has a character i dont' want to alter. i just want to know what everyone thinks. he's an all around good kitty with a few bad moments (lol... look the threads up) but they are a few i can deal with i suppose. spraying or peeing on things is NOT one thing i can tolerate so hopefully when he got his lil nose in his own mess after doing it RIGHT in front of the roomie and i on the FaGucci, he'll curb it till i figure out what to do.
i've given him his own blanket, and attend to him constantly.
anything anyone could tell me about how they raise their maine coons or how they interact with them ESPECIALLY indoor cats would be appreciated.
a few pics i took today and yesterday are included below, and one last shot of him and the FaGucci i took a few days ago before he destroyed it for good!
the following window is right next to where i sit, next to the computer.
under my desk watching me before work next to my coach mini tote and my feet:
watching me TPF:
watching his cat grass grow on our porch (my OLD car in the pic hehe, that's Betty Breeze, i gave her to my roomie! the cat grass is in the big green thingy on the ground):
Betty Breeze in the background (stinking vehicle), and him just propping himself on the arm of the chair, looking at me and purring:
hahaha, that's a few nights ago him ripping it to shreds... it's in the trash now... peed on... ugh:
he's PARTICULARLY needy. that's okay tho. my roommate doesn't think so when he starts suckling and whining to him when i'm not home tho. i spend ALL of my free time with my cat so he's NOT attention deprived by any means.
He's not 100% maine coon but im 99% sure he's over 75%. his father is 100% huge black maine coon with a lion nose that he (YAY) passed on to my kitty. his mother is a calico maine coon mix.
i'd like to know all that anyone can tell me about raising a maine coon. i had one when i was a kid but he was an outdoor cat and a hunter at that. he could entertain himself more so then my cat who lives inside. my cat also has his claws, which i do NOT want to remove (even though he's destroying furniture!) and he's not neutered yet... which i know i HAVE to do, but i really don't want to.
my cat has a character i dont' want to alter. i just want to know what everyone thinks. he's an all around good kitty with a few bad moments (lol... look the threads up) but they are a few i can deal with i suppose. spraying or peeing on things is NOT one thing i can tolerate so hopefully when he got his lil nose in his own mess after doing it RIGHT in front of the roomie and i on the FaGucci, he'll curb it till i figure out what to do.
i've given him his own blanket, and attend to him constantly.
anything anyone could tell me about how they raise their maine coons or how they interact with them ESPECIALLY indoor cats would be appreciated.
a few pics i took today and yesterday are included below, and one last shot of him and the FaGucci i took a few days ago before he destroyed it for good!
the following window is right next to where i sit, next to the computer.
under my desk watching me before work next to my coach mini tote and my feet:
watching me TPF:
watching his cat grass grow on our porch (my OLD car in the pic hehe, that's Betty Breeze, i gave her to my roomie! the cat grass is in the big green thingy on the ground):
Betty Breeze in the background (stinking vehicle), and him just propping himself on the arm of the chair, looking at me and purring:
hahaha, that's a few nights ago him ripping it to shreds... it's in the trash now... peed on... ugh: