LVR has some of their Balenciaga handbags on sale - I order from LVR all the time, so if any Americans have any questions on customs, etc., let me know. I know that the Euro is strong against the Dollar, but there are still some great deals to be had! And for all of my UK/European TPF friends, go shop!
Here are some links:
Giant City
1195 Euros is now 837 Euros - available in black and truffle
Giant City
1195 Euros is now 837 Euros - available in anthracite
Giant Work:
1295 Euros is now 907 Euros - available in black, white, anthracite, truffle, blue glacier
Giant Weekender:
1425 Euros is now 998 Euros - available in blue glacier
They also have other styles available!
Good luck everyone!
Here are some links:
Giant City
1195 Euros is now 837 Euros - available in black and truffle
Giant City
1195 Euros is now 837 Euros - available in anthracite
Giant Work:
1295 Euros is now 907 Euros - available in black, white, anthracite, truffle, blue glacier
Giant Weekender:
1425 Euros is now 998 Euros - available in blue glacier
They also have other styles available!
Good luck everyone!