LVR horrible service

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Aug 25, 2006
I'm sorry to sey that, but LVR has a really bad service this days! I'm trying to contact them, cause I want to get a large paddy, but I didn't get any e-mail with any answer! And it's not a first time! The same thing happened to me two weeks ago when I was e-mailing about another paddy. It took them about one week to answer!!! Finnaly I got my bag, but trying to contact them by e-mail was a nightmare.It seems like they don't care.
Did you ever have similar problem? I hate being treated like that.
So sorry. Fortunately, I didn't need to email LVR.
I ordered last week and it was at the MO FedEx location by Fri morn. Too bad, I had to fax over info for customs. Did you have to? Did you have to pay duties/customs? FedEx didn't mention anything about additional fees owed on the phone. Just wondering....
Sorry I can't be more helpful with your correspondence with LVR. Would you consider phoneing them? I feel certain they have an english speaking SA that would help.
Good Luck!
I had the same. Ordered a Stam then never heard a word from them. Emailed them, nothing, Bag arrived but not even an email reply to first message let alone an acknowledgement that the bag was on route - bad service I reckon.
Fortunately no dutys/tax needed as I live in EU, but it's kind of strange that they send things without telling anything. I phoned them to know what's going on, and they told me that the bag would be at my place in another 2 days, but instead the FedEx man called me in another 10 minutes to ask what to do, where to leave the pack. And now I'm getting angry waiting for the reply about next paddy.
LVR is quite unpredictable – some periods they reply almost immediately; at other times, they take weeks to reply, if at all. I wonder if they have a high turn-over of English-speaking staff. They could also be catching up from the Christmas holidays. I was in Milan over Christmas and was shocked to discover many businesses (shops, restaurants) could actually afford to close for up to 3 weeks over Christmas and the New Year. It could well be that most of LVR's staff went on leave until mid-Jan, and they are only just getting back into gear.