LV Manhattan GM vs. Chanel Lux Bowler?


Apr 19, 2006
i'm trying to decide between one or the other. Which do you think is more classic? I do have an LV speedy, but I really love the GM design.... and the chanel is just classy.

please help!
I have both bags and love them. Since you do have the LV already, I would vote for the bowler. It is lighter and smaller. Neither really fit on your shoulder well (at least not with a coat on) so that can't be a deciding factor.. . .
I love both of those bags :P But if you already have a speedy, the bowler sounds like a better choice because it will add more variety to your collection and you'll have something to wear if you're not wearing a color that goes with the LV monogram.
amy45888 said:
i'm trying to decide between one or the other. Which do you think is more classic? I do have an LV speedy, but I really love the GM design.... and the chanel is just classy.

please help!

I personally prefer leather bags without logos all over, I vote for Bowler.