many of the ladies here have mentioned special ordering things from LV and i thought that the topic deserved a thread of its own since it's something i've always been extremely curious about (always as in the past few years since i've been old enough to appreciate nice bags)........of course there're the general questions of what can you special order?....any of their bags in any of the leathers/canvas?...........and the crucial question for those who've placed SO's before much?.....of course it depends on the bag/item you're SOing but just a general idea of how much you paid as compared to how much the bag in its original form would have been.....and i just walk into the store and say i'd like to place a special order, talk through the logistics, and that's it? (one of the things that's stopped me from placing one other than finances is that i've been scared that the SA would say ur not special enough to warrant a SO :cry