Looking for a White Kooba Sienna.....

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Jan 25, 2006
If you know anyone or any where I can purchase this bag I need ever so badly (like I need another hole in my head:Push: ) Please let me know. I patiently await your replies:wacko: Thanks girls;)
Swanky: I could be wrong but I think both of those ebay bags are fake. They look so stiff and vinyl-y. Also, IME, the Kooba tags are attached to the bags with brown thread, not plastic. And this I could be wrong about as well, but the re-released cream interior should be lavender. The original batch had the brown Kooba print lining. The season that had the beige/khaki suede did NOT have cream in the line-up.

Do you recall any of those details in the one you tried on?
Oh I'm not guaranteeing their authenticity they could be fake. I looked quick enough to grab a few links for her in case she wanted to try eBay.
I don't know nearly enough about Kooba to know which lines came out in which coloros or when. I did try on a cream/white Sienna at Neiman's this week. I didn't take the stuffing out so I cannot say what color the lining should be, but it was suedey like the eBay pics show.
I tried on a brown one at a different Neimans and I *think* the lining was a greenish suedey material.
Yeah, it's only the newest batch that has the purple, and maybe not even all of the new ones. I was in Vegas last month and a store had the cream and it had the purple lining. The brown one you saw at NM was probably Cognac from the season before. Anyway... :biggrin:
Oh, purple lining?! That sounds yummy! I think after WDW we're going to Vegas, maybe I'll wait to buy there. It's always fun shopping there anyhow!
Yep, it's a light purple-lavender lining and it's to-die-for. There's an awesome shop in Caesar's Palace Forum shops that has Kooba, Botkier, BV, etc. but I can't remember the name. You'll definitely find it if you go. :smile:
The Forum Shops are always our first stop!

My DH is from NYC and there's some Deli he loves in there! LOL!
We both kinda get "fed" when we visit there! LMBO!
SwankyMamaof3 said:
God, now instead of sort of wanting this bag I'm NEEDING it! I tried it on and LOVED it!

No kidding! This purse blog is dangerous territory:wacko: Once you start looking in to the Kooba, it really makes you want one more huh?:biggrin: You were saying the brownish one right? Thanks for poasting the e-bay pics. That is how I got my original idea for the pure white. But Im thinking there isnt pure white, they have got to be fake, so now the ivory is looking pretty darn good. HMMMM what to do. I know we'll get one at the same time. O.K. 1-2-3 GO!LOL:lol: :lol: :lol: