Looking for a Chanel sales rep at saks, bloomies, nordstrom!

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Jan 30, 2012
I'm looking to buy a woc and want to open a card to get the discount. The Chicago saks, etc do not carry Chanel. Can you recommend a sales rep I can email or call? Thanks!!!
i have a great sa @ Nordstrom she is so helpful and nice but i dont think nordies gives a discount when u open an account fr them u can earn points thou and they will send you a nordstrom check wc is valid for purchases. my sa is loann phann nordstrom topanga 818/ 884-7900 ext 1390.
Bloomingdale's at South Coast Plaza, ask for Erin (although all of the SAs are really great). 714-826-4721. They used to do a discount when you opened an account, not sure if they do that any longer.
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