Look at this pic

Took me about 2 or 3 seconds to see the dolphins, so am I 'corrupted', or not?

Why seeing a loving couple embracing automatically makes you corrupted, I'm not quite sure! :shrugs:

It seems like a very conservative view of the world!

I grew up with antique bronzes of naked women around the house (to the great amusement of my school-friends :lol: ), although, not embracing couples, so I'd, almost certainly have seen the woman first, even as a small child. :yes:

Also, the eye is always drawn to lighter images first, so unless you are a very sheltered person, or a very small child, you are extremely unlikely to find the dolphins first.
I showed it to my six year old today to see if we really are corrupted when he said (my computer loads things very slowly) I see hands arms a head then I said that's okay thank you go to your room cause I knew he was going to see the boobies next. So maybe were not all that corrupted.
