Lohan will never be the face of Louis !

Lindsay Lohan is a beautiful, but very troubled girl who needs a lot of serious help in overcoming her own private demons. She doesn't yet have the elegance, classiness, sophistication, and inner strength to become the spokesmodel for LV.
Lol, wtf I dont get why she would do that or JLO for that matter. So many celebs are wealthy but really cheap...its like they think why bother paying for it, lets see how far I can go before they just give it to me.
And what did you have to do to get that watch Lindsay? Why what you did with the rest of the stuff, pop it into your bag when the stylist's assistant wasnt looking.
A few years ago Dooney featured her in their catalog. I think it was when they first started going bubblegum with their "It bags". I didn't know who she was.

I'd like to think that 10 years from now she's straightened herself out and acquired some dignity and then maybe some classier designers like LV will call her up.