Life Changing decsion. need your help

My dear Baby Boo...I just showed this to my friend "Linda" has been through too many life experiences for one person...she tod me, point blank "come to Paris, it will change your life"...we are both American, and neither of us regreat! ...honey, baby is your choice...but, in all honesty, I think that it will impact your life in a way you could only imagine in your wildest dreams!!!!! I think, hosestly, you will adore Paris...
what was your impression when you visited?????
For me, the most important factors seem to be that you don't like your current job, and you are 22. If money and security are what drives you, the current job will be enough. But it sounds like you want more from your career. Otherwise you would not have pursued this other position in Paris. And 22 is a great time to spread your wings and "find yourself." And what better place to do it than the City of Lights. Some people deliberately go abroad to gain life experience away from their comfort zone, especially after graduation from college (around age 22). I left my home country at 18 to go to college in the US. Yes, it was hard at times. I really missed my family and friends at first. But it was also a wonderful experience I wouldn't trade.

Best of luck with whatever you decide!!
shopmom411 said:
Go. You will never have this opportunity again and the experiences that you will have will be life changing. You have PLENTY of time to live with a boyfriend, get married, have a family and all those responsibilites that come with all of it. Now you are young and your whole life is before you....go to Paris. Experience another way of living....and once you have done that, you can decide whether or not to go back home.

I agree with this 1000%. Hell, yes, you should go. In my experience, regret is the worst emotion to have to deal with. What is the worst that can happen? You go to Paris and hate it. What is the best? To me, the sky is the limit. You are young and have a chance to take advantage of a tremendous opportunity. Learning a new culture, a new language may be something you'll not have the opportunity to do again.

I say you go and don't look back! Take advantage of every experience that you possibly can!
Best of luck!
I would consider Paris quite seriously if I were you. These sorts of opportunities only come around once in a lifetime. Would your boss be willing to hold the offer open for you back at home? Even if she wouldn't hold the offer open indefinitely, you may still have a lot more leverage when you return home after getting so much experience abroad.

You're gonna have to be brave to take this big step in your life but I think that so many people would love this sort of opportunity. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat so I can understand how the uncertainty of it could be overwhelming for you. Just follow your instincts and don't be afraid to ask for help along the way. And remember: if you move away and don't like it you can always go back home.
Irissy said:
Since you're still very young, I think you should go to Paris and challenge yourself. This is the best time to go out to study or work abroad and to see the world. Not only will you be getting the unique experiences but you will also learn more about yourself and gain independence. You don't want to become a grandma later and kick yourself for not choosing Paris.


A million years ago I had a chance to move to Japan for 2 years to do some stuff with DirecTV Japan (now defunct). But it was when they were trying to break into the market in Japan and my role would be company shrink to assist with organizational development, etc. I choose not to go, and have kicked myself ever since.
So, think about both options, and do the one that makes you feel more excited.
Good luck!!
I wish I had such a decision to make! I loved Paris, I think since you are so young you should take the opportunity. Money isn't everything, especially if you're not happy earning it. This is the time in your life to take those risks and get out of your comfort zone. What's the worst thing that can happen... you don't like it after a year or whatever and move home, right?

Baby Boo said:
Thanks guys. the thing is im not feeling challenged where i am.. i dont really like my job.

And if i stay i will be able to maybe buy a house or at least get a morgage my bf and i can think more seriously about getting married. but these are things my parents say i can do later. and that the oppurtuinity is to good to pass up. i really dont know what to do..

Have you discussed this decision with your bf? If you two are to the point where you're discussing getting married, that could be a life altering decision in more ways than one. I know I sorta wanted to keep moving and thought about doing grad school in Europe and that ended up being a deal breaker for my bf and I chose an American school instead. I really didn't want to lose him and so for my instance, it was worth turning one opportunity down for another.
Oh please go. You will not regret it, simply because you are afraid and if you take this step, the next time you are afraid you will have more confidence in yourself to take that step. You can always leave if you are miserable but once you give up this opportunity (and you have so many PF members who will help you get started), you cannot get this opportunity back. Don't think about the money think about the journey.
I have lived in 5 countries now (all on my own and not with my family) and I have to tell you that my experience living abroad is the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned so many things in life that no amount of money can ever buy! Sure, being alone in a new country not knowing the language can be frustrating and lonely, but you'll find your way sooner or later.

If you are up to a new challenge and adventure, you can take the offer. If things don't turn the way you expected, you can always go back home ... and maybe your old job might be willing to take you again. Or you can apply to other companies and with an international experience working in Paris, I'm sure that will add bonus positive points to your CV.
Honestly I LOVE and adore Bahrain. I also love the idea of being able to spend all my money I earn on goodies!

Even so, I know you will love the extra freedom of Paris. After all you do speak french if I am correct? Paris is great fun but I can bet you, after a year or so you will miss Bahrain as wll.
I mean eventually as I tod you before, I will be moving to that part of the world in max a year and I actually am looking forward to it.

Inshallah you make a choice that wil make you happy.