"License to Wed"?


Nov 1, 2005
While it's clearly not the best movie this year, I have to say, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would....up until the climatic part of the movie (which I won't spoil) because it just seemed too cheesy and forced. I love all the "Office" cameos in the movie (in addition to John Krasinski).

Did anyone else here watch the movie?
I saw it and quite frankly wasn't impressed. It was ok but the problem for me was that just when a scene was funny and showing potential they cut away to another scene after one laugh. I really wish they wouldn't have jumped scenes so much and actually let the movie progress a little more naturally at times. In my opinion the bad editing really took away from the actors' potential.
Liz it was funny but I thought it could have been so much funnier if they would have played on certain scenes longer instead of cutting away to a new scene after one chuckle.
i saw the trailer for this last week when i saw Harry Potter 4 and i thought it looked good! my so didnt though, so it looks like i'll have to wait til it's released on dvd!