Jimmy Choo leopard print hobo

nice - is that your listing?

FYI - It is against Purse Forum rules to promote specific personal eBay listings as well as Marketplace items you personally have for sale. For example, starting a thread and giving the eBay listing number of something you are selling. Another example would be saying something to the effect of "I'm selling xxxxxx on the Marketplace, here is a link to the post." We've had a couple os similar threads lately and I think the mod may have let them slide.

There is an eBay forum where people can discuss specific eBay issues.

Don't want anyone to get kicked off.:girlsigh:
^^I have seen this as well, lately on this forum. Not good...
If you see a good deal on what is an authentic bag on ebay, by all means, post it. But please, don't promote your own bags...
That is a beautiful bag, tho!