Legacy or Carly?

Which bag would you rather buy?

  • Small Carly in Parchment

  • Legacy Shoulder bag in Black

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Nov 6, 2006
I have store credit and I'm just itching to get something. :graucho: I went into the Coach store today and thought I'd get the black legacy shoulder bag, but then I saw the small leather carly in parchment and can't decide. What do you ladies think, go with the parchment carly, or the black shoulder bag?
I like the color of the parchment better than the black, but I prefer the style of the Legacy to that of the Carly. I have to go with the Legacy, although I'd prefer it in pond, white, or natural.
Thanks everyone!

Thanks bchleo! I actually have the shoulder bag in whiskey already and LOVE it. I was thinking of getting it in a different color and just saw the black one in the store today. This would be my 2nd shoulder bag, but I agree with you, it's a great styled bag and I love it.
Tough choice. I have 2 shoulder bags (plum suede and whiskey) and a medium parchment Carly and I love them all for different reasons. I'm not into black bags lately (went through a period of time in my 20s when EVERYTHING I wore was black. Ok, now I sound old), so I'd vote for the parchment since I love the contrast of the deep mahogoney with the ivory and I love the hardware. But I'm biased by color and to be honest, I think the shoulder bag is perhaps my all-time favorite style.

Wow - looking at what I just read, I'm sure i didn't help you at all! I'm sorry, you just gave us a very hard choice!
Thanks everyone! I basically decided to go with the shoulder bag. I just love that style and it's a perfect bag with all the outside pockets and such. I ended up with a new dilemma though (I'm horrible with being indecisive!!) - get the shoulder bag in black or in the new pond? Decisions, decisions!! LOL

Thanks again everyone, all your comments helped a lot. :yes: