Large Silverado Query


Supernatural Addict
Apr 5, 2008
Has anyone got the large silverado? Is it very big (i am 5ft) and what is the general opinion on it? I am looking at a metallic bronzey non-snakeskin one and just want some opinions.

are you talking about a classic silverado (mine is large, about 17 or 18 inches in length) or the doctor's satchel (much larger IMO)?

pic of doctor's satchel:

pic of regular size:

in terms of general opinion -- i love the bag. i know hardcore_harlot and bags*mad*bags also have a silverado or two and adore their's as well. it's a great bag. i am 5'2'' and i don't think it overpowers me at all. it's slouchy and cool and has so many pockets and it's large enough to stuff everything you own in it. it's the perfect "everyday" bag!
I'm quite small yet I love my silverado - no idea if it's the large or medium size though - sorry!

It's a perfect size for me and I love wearing it :yes: It's so practical, pretty, and really light for a Chloe!:tup:
Thanks ladies for your feedback :tup:. - It is the regular large (not doctors one). It does look lovely and slouchy and pockets are good lol..

BMB - thanks for pointing me to the showcase - will have a look too.
^^ PMSL - not yet.

I was going to ask a question about colour but then though - it is such a subjective question!

What i was going to ask was is the OR colour bright goldy or a deeper bronze LOL...