Large paddington tote...

kitty nyc

Need more bags!
Jun 12, 2006
is killing my back! I used it during a day of shopping last week and by the end of the day both sides of my back hurt (right below the shoulderblades) since I kept switching it from one shoulder to the other. Does anyone else have this problem?? If so how do you cope with it? :hysteric:
ah Illinii,
Is this what I have to look forward to from my daughter ;)
wanting a paddy as a school bag.

I had a clarks satchel when I was at school, and carried by books in a carrier bag with a good shop name on it (if I was lucky :biggrin:)
hehe, thanks for all your comments! When the SA was selling me this tote she said that I can always take the lock off to make the bag lighter, but I bought it for the lock so I guess my back will suffer (until I hit the spa!)...