Kristie.....for you!

shoes319 said:
Oooooh!!! It makes D feel better somehow lol!!! So pretty! I didn't realize this is a different site? Oops - my mistake - thought this was LZ...

S., it's always the Boyz (as Shopmom calls them !) at LZ....!:yes:
Oh dear.......K, I just meant to give you a little eye-candy because of your avatar name! I ran across this last night while browsing for a scarf (couldn't find one....:oh: ). Now I know why you chose Grands Fonds!
One of my favourites!! I collect this pattern (I say this over and over - LOL!!) a bit of a thing for the fish patterns......I actually have this one, but in a bright blue, not the navy..........this is also my FAVOURITE plisse (the first one I bought!) in raspberry.

WHen Vlad wanted to knw a new username for me, this was the scarf I was wearing - so Grands Fonds it was!.....BTW - I think it means "Great Depths".......but not pertaining to me - LOL!!