Know it's all about the Coeur, but Do

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Luvin my new horsie
May 26, 2006
You really USE your groom? I only use mine a little bit because I'm afraid to ruin it, but would like to use it more...

Are you all using yours and feel good about it???:confused1:
groom which? i use my zippy groom wallet and cles every single day. i am not gentle with them and they are just fine. and we are still as in love as the day we met. lol
groom which? i use my zippy groom wallet and cles every single day. i am not gentle with them and they are just fine. and we are still as in love as the day we met. lol

Cool! I only have the groom, but at the beginning when first released people were freaking about having their pieces flaking and scratching, and I only kept mine as a collector's item, but now I want it in my bag every day. I'm glad to hear you use them every day. I'm gonna start using mine when I want to, cause ya know.....

life is shot:P
tanks for da reply.
Cool! I only have the ronde, but at the beginning when first released people were freaking about having their pieces flaking and scratching, and I only kept mine as a collector's item, but now I want it in my bag every day. I'm glad to hear you use them every day. I'm gonna start using mine when I want to, cause ya know.....

life is shot:P
tanks for da reply.

I mean, I only have the ronde... :confused1: oops.
i only use my cles occasionally. I am kind of afraid of it chipping or something. When i do take it out i usually put it in its dustbag then in my bag, but sometimes i just tuck it in my pocket. I do baby it coz i dont want it to chip, coz i cant really ever get another one again.
it IS really usefull though, just like everyone has said, the cles seems to be one of the most functional items. I even convinced my bf to get a damier one (with the idea that i would use it more than him:graucho: ) but he is addicted to it and uses it pretty much every day!