I've bought and sold many handbags on eBay. I've been disappointed a few times, been hammered with two negative feedbacks by crazy people (2 negative out of 506 positive) and I've long felt that eBay's system of leaving/giving feedback has become unreal and not reliable. SO - I have generally went with my gut and the photos provided of an item before I bid. Yes, good feedback plays into my decisions, too. But it's just not a reliable way to judge something for sale. And communication? I can no longer depend on a seller to communicate. It's not reality to expect communication. I hold myself to the highest regard for leaving feedback - if somebody pays me within 24 hours, I always leave a 'fast payment, thank you' feedback. I don't wait for my buyers to leave it first. Why should I? I'm giving feedback on my portion of the transaction, and that's payment. ***I am still waiting for five recent purchasers to leave me feedback*** and it's been several weeks. I've not ever gotten feedback from probably 20 people in the last six years. Wha? eBay's feedback system is less than reliable. I know, I know, I'm repeating myself.
Having written that calmly and without rancor, I will now proceed to my rant directed to anybody who sells a handbag who doesn't have a clue (and you know who I'm writing about - all of you have had to deal with this at one time or the other, I'm sure!):
I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly you left positive feedback for me; a rarity today. However, your Coach description only covered the bare bones, lady. Yes, the "excellent condition" applied, but only to the freaking photos you provided of the outside. ONLY to the outside. The photos you provided were great - I didn't notice how carefully you arranged the bag to look "in excellent condition". Your feedback was OK, but - yeah, you did send a few breakable items out with bad packaging, and those items broke. You didn't play nice with THOSE customers. But this was a Coach handbag. It can't break. I made sure it was from a smoke-free home. It was - but it wasn't from a slovenly crappy can't-keep-your-makeup-on-your-face-and-out-of-your-handbag home. But you're right, I didn't think to ask that. So the Coach bag I received reeked of makeup, had been coated within an inch of its life with some kind of crappy conditioner (and what appears to be black shoe wax-based polish!), and I've just spent the last three hours cleaning it. I don't think I'll ever get the smell out, but maybe it will fade in time. What in the heck did you use to prepare it for sale? Silicone acid wash or something? And is there a REASON you took two weeks to ship this, when I see you've shipped your other items out (you've received positive feedback for items bought/sold since my purchase)? This Coach handbag deserved so much more than you provided for it, and ... and ... if you're going to sell handbags on eBay, learn what in the heck you're doing before you try to make a handbag look new again. Jerk. I have hopefully brought this Coach back to life, but it's going to be a close call. And no, I don't want to send it back to you, you animal. It doesn't deserve you.
The feedback I actually left for this person: You didn't mention filthy interior. Reeks of old makeup. Very slow shipping.
Having written that calmly and without rancor, I will now proceed to my rant directed to anybody who sells a handbag who doesn't have a clue (and you know who I'm writing about - all of you have had to deal with this at one time or the other, I'm sure!):
I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly you left positive feedback for me; a rarity today. However, your Coach description only covered the bare bones, lady. Yes, the "excellent condition" applied, but only to the freaking photos you provided of the outside. ONLY to the outside. The photos you provided were great - I didn't notice how carefully you arranged the bag to look "in excellent condition". Your feedback was OK, but - yeah, you did send a few breakable items out with bad packaging, and those items broke. You didn't play nice with THOSE customers. But this was a Coach handbag. It can't break. I made sure it was from a smoke-free home. It was - but it wasn't from a slovenly crappy can't-keep-your-makeup-on-your-face-and-out-of-your-handbag home. But you're right, I didn't think to ask that. So the Coach bag I received reeked of makeup, had been coated within an inch of its life with some kind of crappy conditioner (and what appears to be black shoe wax-based polish!), and I've just spent the last three hours cleaning it. I don't think I'll ever get the smell out, but maybe it will fade in time. What in the heck did you use to prepare it for sale? Silicone acid wash or something? And is there a REASON you took two weeks to ship this, when I see you've shipped your other items out (you've received positive feedback for items bought/sold since my purchase)? This Coach handbag deserved so much more than you provided for it, and ... and ... if you're going to sell handbags on eBay, learn what in the heck you're doing before you try to make a handbag look new again. Jerk. I have hopefully brought this Coach back to life, but it's going to be a close call. And no, I don't want to send it back to you, you animal. It doesn't deserve you.
The feedback I actually left for this person: You didn't mention filthy interior. Reeks of old makeup. Very slow shipping.