i know it's not a big thing or so...
after the speedy and the belem pm..i've decided i wanted something bigger then the ipanema..but perfect for a night's out..i'm a bit disappointed there isn't an inner pocket though..
the strap is too short...i know there's been a thread with tPFers making their own extenders..i don't want to purchase one as i think it's too expensive for an extender only!
what would u guys suggest? TIA! i have no idea how to make an extender!

after the speedy and the belem pm..i've decided i wanted something bigger then the ipanema..but perfect for a night's out..i'm a bit disappointed there isn't an inner pocket though..
the strap is too short...i know there's been a thread with tPFers making their own extenders..i don't want to purchase one as i think it's too expensive for an extender only!
what would u guys suggest? TIA! i have no idea how to make an extender!