It feels like Christmas today... (First reveal)

There's still more.. can you contain yourself? ^__^ If you love the butterfly scarf.. Hold your chairs ladies...

This matches with my umbrella. :biggrin:


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She's the one that got me addicted to Coach, maybe she's just keeping the flame going so she'll have someone to shop with.... ;)

... I got a call from her one day and she squealed about this awesome find. Since I'm getting a Palm Pre in the coming week, its going to be perfect hanging off my phone.

(Did I mention she's on the forum too?)


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This is the last thing I bought... I've been looking for this for a while now and my sis finally found it for me. It was pricier than I wanted to spend on ($20) it but I'm using it to train my two puppies.

It works great!


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All together.. It was a great surprise.. like Christmas in July!

xox Sis.. Thanks :biggrin:

And thank you everyone for being apart of my excitement and reveal. :biggrin:


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