Ink Office Bag at Fisch for the Hip!

There is an Ink office bag selling for $890 at Fisch for the Hip consignment store. I was just there today and it looked almost brand new. If anyone's interested, give them a call! I don't work for them but I sure wish I do because that store is full of Hermes Birkins and Kellys everywhere! Here's the phone numbers: 212-633-9053

There's also 1 or 2 ponyhair bags and small blue ponyhair coin wallet. I hope someone here is interested in Ink office! :biggrin:
Ok ... well I just pre-ordered a Bleu India City this morning from Bal NY so I better cool it. :smile: If it were an Ink City I might have considered cancelling, though...
fiatflux said:
Ok ... well I just pre-ordered a Bleu India City this morning from Bal NY so I better cool it. :smile: If it were an Ink City I might have considered cancelling, though...

fiatflux, :lol: i am in the same boat too! i have to cool it as well since i pre-ordered a bleu india WORK....:lol: :lol: