I'm so sick of these comments......

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Again with the loudmouths. I mean yeah everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it seems like people are getting so much more confrontational about everything lately. Geez.
Just ignore them..and you're right, you DO deserve it.
So i asked my DH to bought me the inclusion hair cubes, these are not my first pairs, i have the older styles. Anyway i wore it in my hair and most of my co-workers were looking and commenting on how cute and pretty until one of them telling me that i'm crazy for spending soo much money for just a piece of hair tie and that they can make one or go to walmart and buy one for less than 2 buck. I just turn around and told him that i'm worth it and besides it not like i'm using his money to buy for it. :cursing: The nerves of him

Grrr, some people just have no taste!
thats what happened with my BF's mum too
she always complaint i buy too many LVs
i just said "why u have to worry, i'm not using your money, you have no right to control how i use my money..."
hehe I use the "I'm worth it" line all the time on my BF and Dad....congrats on the haircubes I bet they are super super cute....and forget that @$$hole...he prob just wishes he had hair so he could have them to...