I sent her this:
You should know that the Cabas Piano that you purchased and then claim that it's fake is real! You need to go get it checked out before you accuse the seller of a fake!
Everyone that knows LV knows that bag is real. obviously you don't. And you claim you have a real one at home to compare it to, if you did then you'd know this was real. or of course yours is fake and you don't know the difference.
I hope you don't get your money back because your a scam.
Read here:
Everyone thinks you are to.
And you are a member of the purse forum right? calhoun? You posted the link to this auction in the Authenticate This thread and everyone already told you it was the real deal. What is you problem then?
You really need to remove the dispute against this innocent seller for your mistake! She did nothing wrong.
Have a great day
You should know that the Cabas Piano that you purchased and then claim that it's fake is real! You need to go get it checked out before you accuse the seller of a fake!
Everyone that knows LV knows that bag is real. obviously you don't. And you claim you have a real one at home to compare it to, if you did then you'd know this was real. or of course yours is fake and you don't know the difference.
I hope you don't get your money back because your a scam.
Read here:
Everyone thinks you are to.
And you are a member of the purse forum right? calhoun? You posted the link to this auction in the Authenticate This thread and everyone already told you it was the real deal. What is you problem then?
You really need to remove the dispute against this innocent seller for your mistake! She did nothing wrong.
Have a great day