I'll be gone for christmas...

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Feb 5, 2006
;) Tomorrow I leave for 11 days to Holland. I'll be spending some much needed time with my mom for Christmas!!

So I hope everyone has a magical Christmas! I will miss TPF and all you girls, and boys...this will be the longest I've ever been away since I joined! hahaha! away from TPF and my dog:crybaby: talk about a test of strength! lol

Happy Holidays everyone!:heart: :heart:

P.S. I'll still be here for a few more hours.:yes:
I hope you have a lovely time in Holland and you do not have to land in England as nearly all flights have been cancelled due to the freezing fog which they think is going to last till the 26th
Have a safe journey and lots of fun!! I TOTALLY understand about the dog thing...I wont be with mine for 3 weeks!! I was getting a pedicure today and started thinking about how much Im going to miss my pups and had tears in my eyes!!! :crybaby: :wtf: I then went and bought them a HUGE bag of toys, and treats for my absences!! Take good care Danica!! Talk to you next year!!!:heart: