If you could only have 5... What would you choose?

Oh, that's an interesting question!

Olive Brown RH City
Rouge Vif RH City
Marigold RH City
Bouton Do'r GSH Day... and ,err, ohh, ahh... I can't pick the last one - it's too hard...
Officier GGH Day
....And my Tomato First?? Please - just one small bag?
If I had to choose 5 from my own collection (OMG, this is hard!), it would be:

'07 Black RH City
'05 Rouge Theatre City
'09 Tempete GSH City
'06 Rouille City
'05 Caramel City or '10 Outremer RH Velo - can't decide!!
Painfull, but having 5 is better then my poor little current collection on 3 + wallet.

xx Black RH city
xx White RH city
04 Yellow RH first
05 Turquoise RH work
07 Anthracite GGH part time
Well, I can't choose 5 from my own collection, because I only own 3. Lol! For the sake of realism I'll include them anyway.

Black RH City (I'd switch my 08 for an 05 tho')
05 Apple RH City
06 Rouille RH Day

Then I'd add
05 Turquoise First
Anthra Work or Day (any year)

(Please note I do not count accessories - I would be keeping my EB coin purse)
Wow, only 5?

06 Ink City (tick)
09 Pourpre PT (tick)
07 Black Twiggy (tick)
07 Plomb SGH City (swap 09 Anthra SGH Day for it)
08 Marine SGH something (sold a City ages ago and regretting it. Would swap i09 Chataigne Twiggy or 09 Noix for it)
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If I'm going for practicality over sentimentality...

1. 07 black GGH PT
2. 07 tomato SGH PT
3. 07 ivory GGH PT (or in a theoretical world, 08 argent SGH PT if I find one)
4. 08 marine SGH PT
5. 10 papeete SGH PT

so I cover my classics (black, ivory/argent)
have my fun, pop colors (tomato, papeete)
and my always go-to deep navy marine

If I'm going for practicality over sentimentality...

1. 07 black GGH PT
2. 07 tomato SGH PT
3. 07 ivory GGH PT (or in a theoretical world, 08 argent SGH PT if I find one)
4. 08 marine SGH PT
5. 10 papeete SGH PT

so I cover my classics (black, ivory/argent)
have my fun, pop colors (tomato, papeete)
and my always go-to deep navy marine

I understand that you would go for the PT, they look so good on you!