Why can't you wear heels? Just wondering, if you don't mind. I love to wear heels (I'm only 5'2") but, they're so darn uncomfortable at my age, especially those stiletto styles . I can wear heels up to 3" 1/2 maybe 4" if their wedges, so most of my shoes are wedges .
Those are so cute. When I was at the LV store Friday I picked up the shoe catalog there at the register. I'm not much of a shoe person, but I was drooling. I could never pay that much for shoes, though, the way I tear mine up :shame:
Those are hot!!! But I agree with classwhore ... or you could print out a few copies and stick one on the bathroom mirror and maybe one on the toilet seat. Some men just need a firm nudge!
Those are so beautiful but I would never wear them, I would have to get a glass case to put them in so I could just sit there and stare at them. I really like the denim espadrilles (sp?) though, they seem a little more practical for me.