After much agonizing over whether to buy the small pocket or large pocket and which color to order, I have FINALLY made a decision! I just completed my order with LVR for the large pocket Paddy in mousse. Of course as soon as I sign back on here there are pics posted of the mousse color! Thank goodness they are GORGEOUS!!!
I thought it would be a darker color, but the shading appears to be quite lovely in Roz's eBay post. Whew! Of course I will post pics for all as soon as it arrives. Any idea how long it takes to get bags to the U.S. from LVR? It is in stock, if that helps.
Someone mentioned that I may need the LVR address for FedEx paperwork...did anyone ever find it?

Someone mentioned that I may need the LVR address for FedEx paperwork...did anyone ever find it?