I met Ms. BagSnob today!

pursefanaticgurl said:
Hey Jag and IntlSet! I am from Michigan too. I will probably so shy if I met someone from PF. I don't have an IT bag to show off.

Who needs an IT bag to be fabulous??? I wish IntelSet lived near us, but there are a bunch of us who live in the Somerset region LOL also known as Suburbian Detroit. Please PM me if you ever want to meet up with us! We would love for you to join us!
it was accidental.
We were both at the same counter and she tried on my lovely metallic black Luxe Flap that I carried today and gushed about it for a few moments. She was talking about wanting one and I said "I am member of this handbag Forum" she asked which one and I told her.
She asked if I had ever heard of BagSnob and I said Yes and she said "that's me! I'm the BagSnob!!!"
She told me she helped a counterfeit website fold and said that she and her partner check us out from time to time.
She was very sweet!
Swanky, that is too cool. I LOVE her site - she is so funny. In fact, I found this site through her site. It was when I was looking up information on a site that claimed to sell authentic Chloe bags and she referenced a thread from TPF. I can just imagine how cute she must be!! Was she visiting or does she live in the Dallas area as well?? I thought she lived in NYC.
I just turned to tell my husband and he literally could not understand what I was saying. :lol: I kept saying, "You don't understand, Swanky met the BagSnob!!" He thinks I'm crazy.
I didn't. . . Did you see my little story. . . {?}
short story, we were there at same time and chatted, then I said I'm a member her. . . one thing led to another!