i had to sell my soul for this ~ lol!.............it's the elusive red & it's TDF !!!

Fice16.. I'm 5'3" and 97 pounds..it looks perfect on me :love:
It looks lighter than the bag hold by little girl.. I'd say it looks similar to the one posted by GMBT... I promise to post the pic asap when I am back to my place on sunday :smile:
Oh, I love it!!!

I just got the dark silver one...been eyeing since last year. And now this AND the purple! What is a girl to do?

For those wanting both purple and red...which one do you like better??
well so far i like every damn one of them ~ i'd love to see the white ~ is it metallic? ~ actually ~ lets not go there again! ~ let's just wait 'til someone buys it & posts a pic!! ~ :lol: