I gots... PIX of LVoe scarf + mono Shawl

NO! not at all! I'll draw a pic once I get back from dinner (maybe in 3 hours?....) but first, I'll describe it: Comes in light pink and gray, pink has pink charms and gray has white (?) charms. The dangling charms are on the 2 EDGES of the scarf and I think they're plastic....

For Twiggers:

my attempt at drawing the Charms scarf


  • LV.tPF.Charms.cottonscarf.jpg
    14.6 KB · Views: 98
oh how do you make the scarf look so neat in the third pic --- The knot and everything looks neat -- how do you do that.

I was thinking of getting the LVOE scarf

Go to LV's site, click on any random scarf and then in the bottom right corner there's something like "show me how it's done" button lol. Once you click on it LV shows you 3 or 4 ways to knot scarves :yes: