Just when I thought that some designer names had escaped being knocked off i find this website.
I happen to come on it from reading another thread. They are actually making knock-offs of my beloved designer Isabella Fior!!!!
I'm so mad. I didnt think that Fiore was popular enough for the knock-offs to surface. The only good thing I can say about the website is that they call it designer inspired . Atleast they're not trying to pass it off as the real thing.
Still mad though. Oh well . Nothing i can do but carry mine and be glad that I have the real thing.
Take a look and see if you can tell the difference. I can
I happen to come on it from reading another thread. They are actually making knock-offs of my beloved designer Isabella Fior!!!!
I'm so mad. I didnt think that Fiore was popular enough for the knock-offs to surface. The only good thing I can say about the website is that they call it designer inspired . Atleast they're not trying to pass it off as the real thing.
Still mad though. Oh well . Nothing i can do but carry mine and be glad that I have the real thing.
Take a look and see if you can tell the difference. I can