How to wear EarMuffs?


Nov 3, 2007
I bought some Burberry earmuffs today because 1. my ears keep freezing and 2. they are so cute...they remind me of being a little girl when I wore them just for fun and not b/c it was cold since it never got cold in the south.

Anyway, how do you wear them though without them looking silly? do you put it over your hair, pull your hair back and wear it sort of like a headband, etc.?

I love the idea of them but now I just can't get them to look cute.
They're Burberry will definitely look cute no matter what!

Some people wear a cute little hat with the earmuffs over the hat. I love that look. But for everyday, you can just tuck your hair behind your ears and put the earmuffs over your head and ears. Very simple. Like I said before, you will pretty much look cute no matter just have to get used to the look.