"How to stop laughing at an inappropriate time". Hilarious etiquette video!

Haha! I do this all the time. Like today, I went to go see a movie with a friend and I couldn't help but burst out laughing when a character died! The scene wasn't funny at all but it reminded me of something that made me laugh.
I'm particularly bad at the eye contact part... there are a few people (like my mom) that always get what I am thinking, especially if it's inappropriately funny, and I need to stop looking at these people in moments like that!
Thanks for posting that site, it has some usefull things! lol i always laugh at innapropriate times, always! eye contact is THE worst thing to do though, thats when it reaches the point of no return, you just have to crack!
Thanks for posting that site, it has some usefull things! lol i always laugh at innapropriate times, always! eye contact is THE worst thing to do though, thats when it reaches the point of no return, you just have to crack!

yes, I particularly enjoyed the "how to unblock a toilet" video :rolleyes: