How to pronounce Chevre de Coromandel?

no probs!! when i was 16, i called my hermes store just to hear how they pronounced it when they answered......i had to call three times to hear it right - and i hung up on them everytime!! (i was only16 *blushing*) - they must have wondered who the hell was giving them prank calls!....LOL!!.....probably thought it was a customer they knocked back for a bag.....ha, ha!!
ggk84 said:
Actually, you do pronounce the "r" in chevre. It sounds somewhat like this: "shev-r-de-coro-man-dell". French is my first language. :shame:

ggk84 is right - the word "chevre" (it's actually missing the "accent grave" on the first e) has the "r" pronounced. Kind of a bit of a roll on your tongue. I'm bilingual in both french and english - hope this helps!