how to do watermarks?

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Oct 16, 2006
Hi this might sound like a stupid questions but how do you put the watermarkds on your photos so no one steals them. I am starting to sell more expensive items so I am scared someone is going to take them. Thanks!!:yes:
If you use the eBay photo manager, there is an option when uploading that will automatically watermark your photos with your registered name-you don't have to do anything!!!
I use Picturetrail there is a yearly fee but well worth it to watermark in bulk & host your auction pics it means that you save on ebay fees as well you only have to pay for gallery pics as you paste the HTML for the pics directly into auction description. Photobucket is free & you can do the same things I think I have photobucket also but I am not sure how much storage you get there for free.
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