Workplace How to "Close" a Job Interview

Good luck.

I wanted to add sending a thank you letter to everyone you interview with thanking them for their time. You can also add a few lines about something you talked about during the interview that made you a good candidate or add something that would help but you forgot to mention.

When I interview people and I have two candidates that are close I always hired the one who sent me the tank you.

I have managed both accounting and HR for companies and you would be suprised I've only received one or two thank you letters.

I know it has gotten me the second interview or offer at several jobs.
I don't know if this applies to other types of employment but in sales you are suppose to ask for the job.
To show you know how to "close."
"Do you have any hesitations about hiring me?" Are there any questions you have about my background that I can clear up now?"
"May I start on the 25th?"
Be assertive, What have you got to lose?