How tight are you?

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:roflmfao::roflmfao::roflmfao::roflmfao::roflmfao: Me too, Luna! I didnt want to say anything but the first time I saw the thread I started cracking up. Now, every time I see it, I still giggle.

My thought clicking on this thread: Kegel exercises?
There are commonly three categories of women who have always carried larger bags (although that may have changed with the fashion trend of large bags): moms, older women and professionals (carrying files or computers, etc.). At least two of those categories also tend to be generous (moms have to be and many older women never let go of the mom mindset that everything they do or buy must be for someone else).

Again, stereotypically speaking, younger women tend to carry smaller bags. They also tend to be more selfish - not in a bad way, but just because youth often makes people myopic in their viewpoint. Because they have fewer familial obligations, they are allowed to put themselves first.

Again, these are just stereotypes and by no means hold true for everyone. There are plenty of moms and older women who are selfish and plenty of young women who are very giving. But on average, I think that would explain the findings.
I'm young, I like big bags and I'm generous :shrugs:

People always think I'm overly generous (read: frivolous) with my money, but I don't care. It's my money and I can do what I want with it. I'm definitely a "big tipper", but especially around the holidays I leave as huge of a tip as I can for everything. Sometimes it's more than the cost of the bill...

It started when I was a teenager and I went out with a bunch of my friends at Christmastime. Our waitress was just a nice normal lady in her 30's and she had on a "mom" necklace. It was so late and she looked SO tired and frazzled. I got the impression that she was probably working extra shifts to afford presents for her kids. I left her an extra $20, even though it was just for coffee at a diner. That was a lot of money for me at the time, but I knew she would appreciate it more than me. As I've gotten older and made more money, I've given even more of it away. I think of it as a Christmas bonus for people who work sh*tty low-paying jobs :yes:
I carry mostly medium bags and i'd consider myself to be about medium generous. I like to give gifts a lot and make people happy but I don't do it as much as others I know.