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My baby is 27 months and he gets most of his nutrition from a bottle..because he was 2 months premature. Please dont judge people if you dont know their history. I understand from everyone and their freakin moms that kids shouldnt be drinking from a bottle past 18 months, blah blah blah..but if my kid isnt eating properly because HE CANT then what? Should I just let him starve because you and others think he should be off a damn bottle? Um, I dont think so.Excuse me? Yes, I have 2 small children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics & any parenting book you'll ever read, a child should not be taking a bottle at this age. And straight from the UCSF homepage..
When is my child ready to be weaned from the bottle?
In general, children can try a cup at 6 months and be weaned off the bottle around 12 to 18 months. Children are ready to be weaned when they:
Why is it important to wean my child off the bottle?
- Can sit up by themselves
- Can eat from a spoon
- Show more interest in solid foods
- Have an established routine for mealtimes
- Children using bottles are more likely to develop tooth decay.
- Children who drink from a bottle may have improper dental development.
- Children who depend on bottle feedings may not consume enough solid foods to meet their nutrient needs.
- Children who are not weaned from the bottle may not develop appropriate feeding skills.
Well who cares what the text book says.Its never the way its written down anyway.A child can have a bottle until he is ready to let it go,nothing wrong with 22 month baby having a bottle.What,you make it sound like they should be embarrassed or something?I have seen 3 year olds with the bottle.No big deal,it depends on every child individually!
My baby is 27 months and he gets most of his nutrition from a bottle..because he was 2 months premature. Please dont judge people if you dont know their history. I understand from everyone and their freakin moms that kids shouldnt be drinking from a bottle past 18 months, blah blah blah..but if my kid isnt eating properly because HE CANT then what? Should I just let him starve because you and others think he should be off a damn bottle? Um, I dont think so.
Thank you! That is what I try to say to everyone. It all depends on the child.
I work in the dental field and yes the above is true for usual cases, but there are many exceptions to this, as in premature cases.Excuse me? Yes, I have 2 small children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics & any parenting book you'll ever read, a child should not be taking a bottle at this age. And straight from the UCSF homepage..
When is my child ready to be weaned from the bottle?
In general, children can try a cup at 6 months and be weaned off the bottle around 12 to 18 months. Children are ready to be weaned when they:
Why is it important to wean my child off the bottle?
- Can sit up by themselves
- Can eat from a spoon
- Show more interest in solid foods
- Have an established routine for mealtimes
- Children using bottles are more likely to develop tooth decay.
- Children who drink from a bottle may have improper dental development.
- Children who depend on bottle feedings may not consume enough solid foods to meet their nutrient needs.
- Children who are not weaned from the bottle may not develop appropriate feeding skills.
Man, how can I get some of those genetics? They are like "super-human" good looking! Insano!
Man, how can I get some of those genetics? They are like "super-human" good looking! Insano!