Food How many TPFers are meatetarians? LOL


Squishy Leather!
Sep 27, 2006
The other post got me thinking: How many of you girls here prefer meat to veggies? I sometimes feel like such a weirdo because honestly I can't get into veggies. I like corn and potatoes and greenbeans and most beans, but that's about it. I'll eat salads so long as it's just lettuce and lots of dressing to cover the lettuce taste but I consider salads as a punishment for eating really bad or something, heh. But I loveloveLOVE meat. I could probably live on a just meat diet if I had to. I can't get enough! Is anyone else as mad for meat as I am? I love every kind except most seafood. I'll eat salmon but all the shelled critters I can't stomach. I can't eat something that looks how it looked when it was alive if that makes any sense lol.

Tell me I'm not alone! Everyone at work is soo healthy and "green" I don't have a single person here who is as into meat as I am!
My boss and DH (different people) both prefer meat over veggies. I used to joke with my boss that he was a allergic to anything green. I've seen cookies magically become 'green beans' in case I'm ever asked by his SO.
I definitely prefer meat over veggies! I will eat some cooked vegetables sometimes, but I really hate raw vegetables and salads. My boyfriend and I always skip the salad course and opt for soup. Glad there's someone else out there like us! :tup: