How long does it take you to pick out your outfit in the morning?

Sometimes I can do it in a snap. I try to lay out the night before but I forget. I usually pick my first outfit quickly, and if I like it, I'm out the door. It's when I'm not happy with it that it takes me a long time. Sometimes I'm late to class because I have to change 3 times!
It really depends for me...sometimes it can take seriously 45 minutes and other times within 2 minutes. I certainly have my days....planning ahead has never worked for me cause I always change my mind. I am really pathetic! D-head always get's PISSED at me.:rolleyes:
i usually think about what to wear for the day while i'm showering, therefore when i get out all i have to do is take it out of my closet.

:yes: I do the same. But then sometimes, the outfit works better in my head, or I get distracted by other possible combinations by the clothes I see when I'm picking out "the" outfit. :shame:

I'd say... Approx 10 minutes!
It takes me 10 minutes (for school),on bad days it might take me even an hour. And I love to plan outfits if I have the time.I'll lay out the jewellery and socks, shoes, bags, scarves etc. I love dressing up!
The outfits don't take me as long as planning accessories - bag, shoes, jewelry, scarf, hat, gloves (if cold-weather accessories are called for). The accessories can change how I can do my hair, which can change the outfit!