how long does it take for Tend Skin to work?


Aug 16, 2009
I've used it before but never really noticed any difference. It has been at least 5 years since I've used it but am trying it again.

How long should it be until I notice a difference on my skin?
Hey there Blah! TendSkin works great if you use it regularly. It has a derivative of aspirin to help as an anti inflammatory. I would say after you wax or shave the knee - apply the tendskin (if you can tolerate the sting) - then keep applying each day. If the ingrowns are bad - twice a day.

Later, you may find the area around the pores starting to get a white ring... don't be alarmed - just stop using tendskin for a day or so and continue. This is just to use until the hair grows out of the pore to prevent infection... which should be relatively quick

HTH, Blah! :biggrin:
If it isn't working for you, I'd recommend Bliss Spa Ingrown pads. I used Tend Skin consecutively for 3 weeks, but I did not see any improvements. But the Bliss pads work wonders for me even after 3 days of usage!
Buy the tend skin products just after checking Tend Skin Verified Seal, as there are so many duplicate product available online please check details on our site beautyshave dot come for more details