How long do you wait for someone to pay?

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I don't mind waiting for payment, but please just let me know what's going on. I even take partial payments upon request. In my listings I state paypal payment due within 48 hrs, but this is for the most part ignored. Within the past 2 months I have had 11 non-payers it's unbelievable and the worst part is they never respond to emails or invoices. I recently sold a pair of boots and finally after being messed around for 3 weeks I had to re-list.
When I win something on ebay I pay immediately. If I went into a department store & asked them to hold something for a week the answer would of course be no. I understand some people like to wait until payday, etc, but I also think it is extremely unfair for buyers to automatically assume they can pay when & if they feel like it without so much as a would you mind if......
If I cannot afford something I simply don't buy it & I wish other ebayers lived by the same rule.
I always pay immediately and am enormously grateful when buyers do likewise. However, I completely understand that work, life, families, illness, computer failure etc get in the way and will happily wait without any anxiety for about 5/6 days. After that I get a bit anxious!
I am on the opposite side ... I BIN on something (that was a valid second-chance offer) and two weeks heard NOTHING from the seller contact at and then they email me demanding payment (even though I had sent many, many emails regarding payment details as they did not accept paypal) ...I have not paid for it as I have heard nothing else from the seller....I have contacted ebay about it and they are not very helpful:confused1:
My terms of sale state that payment is due within 7 days. If I don't receive payment within that time, and if i haven't heard from the buyer, I open a dispute throug ebay. However, if I hear from the buyer about a legitimate reason for a delay, I cut her/him some slack.

As a new seller you might want to look at what other sellers include in their terms of sale to get an idea of how you can present your policies to buyers. Feel free to have a look at any of my listings to borrow ideas about terms of sale.

And good luck to you in your selling!
A little advice for next time would be to post your payment expectation right in the payment detail section of your listing.
My listings say that I expect electronic payment within 48 hours. No one even reads that. :P

I hate when a buyer does not get in touch with me and waits and waits to pay. I re-send their invoice after the first 48 hours and then wait another 2-3 days to ask them if they wish to continue with the transaction.

Does anyone else have some better ideas? I am expecting two nice size payments to come in and really wish these 2 buyers would at least get in touch with me.

Oh, and one more thing... do you REMIND them through your eBay listing (contact buyer) or do you use the link on the "Item Sold" email and send it directly to their email address?
im 6 days in at this point, and i would like to get paid.

you'd think they's want their item asap! it is a teensy bit frustrsating!
I agree, I think you've been very patient and although I am probably the calmest, most frustratingly unruffled person in the world, I would be getting irritated by now. A polite 'hope everything's okay, I am sure you will understand that I would like to finalise our transaction, please contact by return' email would be in order. . . .Or you could just do the invoice every day thing!