How do you respond to rude questions?

I've had that happen to me. But they're nice about it, so I'll be nice back.

If they're rude, then a simple "Screw you!" always works.
You could always give them a LOOK and say, "Uh, yeah."

Someone at work I wasn't particularly fond of asked me "If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for that?" I gave her a LOOK and answered, "Enough."
I've never had anyone make authenticity comments about my bags but one of my teachers in high school was always eyeing my bags.
So then one day I came in with the new Tiffany's heart tag bracelet (this was back in about 2001) and she spotted it right away. She asked where I got it and I told her that my dad had gotten it for me for Valentine's Day at Tiffany's. Then she proceeds to say "Oh well, I wanted to get one for my daughter for her graduation but they're SO expensive."
And I was just thinking, um and that's my problem? :rolleyes:
Agreed. I ususally just ignore rude comments... I've never really been asked if my stuff is real... even when they do ask they're being nice about it.

hahah yea im constantly tired from being a nursing student so on mondays im real sweet but by the end of the week on friday when i have had 2 hr a night of sleep all week and feel like a zombie if i get some stupid comment i always snap back.

i feel bad for doing it but %*(% why to people gotta bug me when i am tired about my friekin purse or shoes or coat or something.
Maybe some of the other threads have gotten me into Security Mode even more than usual, but rudeness aside, I think that anytime anyone asks you if something is "real," meaning is something a high-dollar value item, the most prudent answer is "no, of course not."

Good point!!!
i usually like to just look at them and give them a smile. i always think that when i am asked a rude question, i will say why do you ask. i usually don't as i am afraid they will tell me.

i could never say screw you to someone who simply asked a question that was none of their business. i just figure they don't know any better and don't let it disturb me enough to be beligerent to them. the smile and ignoring the question work fine for me.

it took me a long time to learn that every question some one asks doesn't require an answer.
Actually, it wouldn't bother me at all. I'd gladly say "yes, it's real" then smile. Sure it may be rude of people to ask (if it was meant in a rude way) but I don't have anything to be ashamed of so why be bothered by it?
it took me a long time to learn that every question some one asks doesn't require an answer.

Queen...Now that is very wise! A non-committal look (depending on the tone of the person asking the question) seems to me to sometimes be the best way to go. A look can speak volumes, without your ever uttering a word.
My most common reaction is simply "the look." If I am really annoyed by the person, I'll ask, "are you writing a book? If you are, please leave me out of it." Of course, I've actually used the "enough" response to the "how much" question. Most people who know me know that it's all real, the jewelry, purses, clothes, etc. so they don't bother with such silly queries. If a stranger asks, I may also respond, "Oh, we don't know each other like that" and walk away.

I often wonder what happened to manners and common courtesy.
My husband taught me if you give off a certain vibe (just a little less than arrogance) people will not ask you such questions. I have to say he is right - I used to be available and approachable to everyone and often such questions came. Now, I am friendly and polite but pretty reserved, and it has not happened again.
In general, in case of rudeness I stay a lady as I cannot lower myself to someone else's bad manners (I figure) - I would tell them though that it is none of their business.