How did you learn how to swim?


Happy living
Mar 15, 2006
This is rather silly, but I'm 24 and have lived in California my entire life. I never learned how to swim, and I'm terrified of drowning, though I never had any memories of drowning. I just SINK! Plus, I'm terrified, which is a key factor to my sinking haha. I just need to feel something firm under my feet or have something to hang on to. Aiya.

I have a pool in my apartment complex and can basically use a kickboard to go short distances, but I want to learn how to swim.

How did you learn? Any tricks? What helped u let go of fear?
Wow lol, it could have been me who wrote your post! I'm not afraid of the water, I just can't do much in it. :P
I stink at even keeping myself up and every time someone tries to teach me, I end up pushing them under the water and holding them down there. :roflmfao:

I'll be interested in reading this thread lol.
I went to swim school when I was five and I have never thought much about it. I don't no how you learn to swim as an adult, but I guess it's the same way.
Have you looked into swimming lessons? My city offers adult swim lessons at the community centers, the YMCA also offers lessons. You can arrange to have private sessions too.
Don't know how it is in US but here it was mandatory for everybody in first grade to know how to swim. If you didn't already know by then, they put you in swim school right away. Everybody had to know how to swim at least 25 m in deep water. After that they increase the length to your age. Mandatory testing/swimming during gym class. I still remember my last gym class at "highschool" when you had to swim a 1KM.
Hope you find someone who can teach, try to see if you can find some adult swimming classes. It's a really great thing to know and It's never to late
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My dad taught me the basics, and then sent me to summer classes for several years. I would check out local recreation centers, some are run by the city that you live in, and get a catalog of classes. Good luck, swimming is fun :yes:
My mother enrolled my younger sister and I for swimming lessons when I was about 6 or 7 to help with my childhood asthma. I don't remember it being difficult to pick up honestly. But it was probably due to us being younger, and less afraid? Plus, my cousins also took up swimming at the same time, so it was altogether a lot of fun for all of us :yes:

It was also compulsory for us to know how to swim when we were in the upper levels of grade school. We took it as PE lessons for a term.

I hope you'll manage to pick it up if you are keen to. Swimming is loads of fun really!
I was probably about 5 and my parents sent me to the local high school for swimming lessons. I agree with the other posters, I'm sure you can find an adult class at your local YMCA or local pool.
I too, learned very young (swim lessons and brothers and sisters) and love to swim...I taught all 3 of my kids.

I, like the others suggested, try the YMCA, they have resonable lessons.

How did you graduate high school? Doesn't CA still have swim test requirement for graduation?
I grew up in Hawaii!! hahahaha!!

Actually, that's no guarentee as many parents are too busy to take their kids to the beach or pool... so sad, really. I wish it were mandatory to learn to swim here, but it's not. I think some of the private schools require it, but not the public schools. No school pools. No funding. There's only 1 public pool on our side of the island & that didn't get built until maybe a decade & a half ago.

Anyway.... my mom used to take us to an extremely calm beach that's very shallow. We splashed & learnt to put our face in the water & blow bubbles. We could always touch bottom & learned how to float on our backs & tummies. I think the first time she took us to a pool (we must've been about 7 or 8) on the opposite side of the island that has a deep end, she had a shock. She was watching my little brother in the shallow side & my other brother & I went to the deep to see if we could hold our breaths long enough to touch the bottom (13ft). When she realized we weren't near her she was astonished to see us swimming on our own.

She says she didn't know we could swim... we thought it was funny she was even worried. (And yes, there were lifeguards on duty).
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I too was about 5 and took lessons at our neighborhood pool.

as others mentioned, check your local Y or do a google search on adult swimming lessons in your area.

The fact you're already on a kickboard in a pool is the best're not afraid of water and getting in it. You will learn how to hold your breath under water, blow bubbles, basic arm strokes...once you get the hang of it you will find it a wonderful way to exercise and relax at the same time!

Good luck!!
I'm 42 and I live in Hawaii now and I don't know how to swim. I grew up in MI and my mom signed us up for lessons, but I kept getting ear infections so I stopped. I'm afraid of the water, I feel totally claustropic under it.