how could i get an azur speedy?

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May 21, 2006
I've decided I want an azur speedy,..I'm late to the party, I know!

But from what I understand these aren't available? I have to be on a list?

I don't personally know a SA, so how could I get on the waitlist? How long is it? Do I pay in advance? I'm obviously very confused... Someone help! Lol
make a call on your local store and ask if they have any available, if not you put your name on the waitinglist. you don't have to know personally a SA just talk to someone and ask for. you pay when your speedy azur arrives, not in advance. you can also call the vuitton service number.
When I called the 800# they said no waitlists for the Azur speedy, that it will be available....... I did ask my friend to put me on the waitlist at her store but need to check to make sure she did it.
When I called the 800# they said no waitlists for the Azur speedy, that it will be available....... I did ask my friend to put me on the waitlist at her store but need to check to make sure she did it.
I've previously heard they're restocking for middle of February, but now people are saying this week in January?! I hope it's true, otherwise I'll be so sad again! :nuts:
Just get on a list or keep calling 866, should be plentiful soon. I think they are arriving now....but going to people on lists, VICs, etc first, so that may be why you're hearing mid Feb....but if you're persistent you could probably find one now.
good luck...i just called 11 stores looking (for about the 5th time) and nothing. except macy's herald square, they had one but it was reserved for someone on a waiting list. i'm already waitlisted and have been for the past month, but i'm getting impatient.
Hi Ladies!!! Things cant be as bad as they are here, we only have 1 LV store and they only get about 3-6 bags per month & there are over 40 people on the list!!!!!!:cursing: :cursing: :cursing: