From photos you can identify fakes vs. real it's not always 100% accurate and there is nothing quite like seeing and feeling it in person but there are definite signs to let you no that you are dealing with a fake. Some of the first clues are the hologram card if the gold rim has a rainbow effect than just walk away. Bags that are made in Paris or any place that is not France or Italy are dead give-aways. Improper serial id stickers, or sellers who claim that their bags are factory over runs or made in the same factory are fakers. Misalignment in stichicting or just poor stitching are also big clues. The list go on and on but there are some big clues. Luckily, here at TPF there is the fantasic Authenticate This.. thread and the ladies there are amazing. Plus, you know what they say two heads are better than one, or in this case several.