Honestly! Dont you think I'm a little crazy ?

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Dec 14, 2006
check this out coach sisters/brothers!

My hubby bought me a mandy in the color black for valentines day.
This is going to be my third mandy,& I'm feeling a little predictable.

Your honest thoughts,please.

Your Fan,
Cha Cha
Cha cha, I have three Legacy Shoulder Zips: black leather, khaki signature and black signature. Plus, I have one in whiskey on my eBay watch list. So, if you're a little crazy then I am A LOT crazy! :upsidedown:
Does your husband have a single brother?:graucho:

Seriously, the Mandy is an AWESOME bag. I think it's great, they are all so different! If it works for you than GREAT!
That's so cool cha-cha! I think it's great, because if you really love the bag, then get it in all the colors you love. :yes: I have 3 of the legacy shoulder bag's and I :heart: :heart: :heart: them all! I've got them in whiskey, black, and pond. When you find the one style bag that just works for you, I say go for it. :P
