Hello everyone,
I'm a new member however I've been browsing a lot for the past several days. I love this place and especially the chanel section and bags : )
If all you experts could please enlighten me I'd appreciate it very much.
I don't own any designer bags though if I will decide to "invest" in one then it would probably be a Chanel bag (I'm 20 by the way)
It seems there are a lot of recommendations for newbies about the classic flap, I'm wondering does it come with the vertical stitching like in this photo?
Pink!!!!!!! ♥ on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Also what colours does it come in?
What size would you say that one is?
Where can it be purchased in Toronto and for around how much?
What colours suggestions would you recommend with a completely black wardrobe, my handbags have always been black also, or a light canvas with black designs or beading, I'm willing to try something new though.
Thank you so very much in advance!
I'm a new member however I've been browsing a lot for the past several days. I love this place and especially the chanel section and bags : )
If all you experts could please enlighten me I'd appreciate it very much.
I don't own any designer bags though if I will decide to "invest" in one then it would probably be a Chanel bag (I'm 20 by the way)
It seems there are a lot of recommendations for newbies about the classic flap, I'm wondering does it come with the vertical stitching like in this photo?
Pink!!!!!!! ♥ on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Also what colours does it come in?
What size would you say that one is?
Where can it be purchased in Toronto and for around how much?
What colours suggestions would you recommend with a completely black wardrobe, my handbags have always been black also, or a light canvas with black designs or beading, I'm willing to try something new though.
Thank you so very much in advance!