Hermes Reds. What are your favorites?

Rubis is closer to a dark raspberry, grenat is similar but more red than pink...a truer dark red. I haven't seen bordeaux but based on the name, I would think it is closer to Rouge H.

Good luck!
It was a mistake to bring this beauty with me to an acrobatic performance last week, the stunts were amazing but I got distracted by my RG and kept staring at it instead.....:love:
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for my next bag to be an Hermes Red. I love this Red!! Is this Rouge Garrance or Rouge Grenat? I would be distracted too!!
I have B25 Rouge Grenat Togo, B30 Rouge H Togo and K28 Rouge H Epsom. Love all of them, but would love to add an exotic Bordeaux K28 and an exotic Braise K20/25 to my collection. Rubis is also a color I’m interested in but haven’t seen this one a lot so not quite sure what leather/bag I’d like to have this color in.
It looks like Rouge Garance or Rouge Vif would be my favourite.

I want a true, bright, saturated red which is neutral or leaning slightly cool rather than warm. It's so hard to tell from pictures, you only get an approximation.